Uhh, yup. There's some stuff going on. I don't know what I'm supposed to type about. I'm a bit anxious, I guess. I also feel unprepared. I'm supposed to be presenting on what I learned during 20% time, but I only learned like two songs. Both songs are two minutes top each, too. Soo that's four minutes, and the total amount of the presentation is a whole entire class period. I don't know what to do. Maybe I can play arpeggios and then expect nobody to know what arpeggios are. That sounds like a good plan.

My speech is complete, so that's good too. I haven't started on my poster-board but I'm planning on doing that after I finish typing this update post. Which is right now! See you.

I really don't have anything else to say, but here's a picture of a man I drew