20% Time Speech (I don't know why it's over here)

Jisung Ko
I think making music is a lot of fun. The vibrations that you feel after you press each individual note, every note making its own sound to create harmony, and just the fact that you’re creating all of this unified music; it’s very satisfying. That’s why I really love piano. Well, not actually love. It’s more of a love-hate relationship. Piano is challenging, and you have to put in a lot of work, but in the end it’s rewarding. But getting to the end is a lot easier said than done.
        I accomplished many things in 20% time. I learned how to read sheet music, and I’ve learned songs that I’ve wanted to play for a long time, and really that’s all I wanted to do for 20% time. My goal was to learn how to read sheet music, and I accomplished that fairly easily. However, I think I still have room to improve. I still need to read sheet music more efficiently, I need to learn more terms, I have a lot of songs that I want to learn; even though I accomplished my goal, I still have a really long way to go.
        While accomplishing my goal, there were lots of roadblocks in the way. I procrastinated, I had no motivation, and learning songs was just really boring. I’m not trying to contradict myself; I like playing the piano a lot… but learning songs isn’t the most fun thing to do. It takes a very long time to learn a song (at least for me), and while doing it I get really bored and I don’t feel like doing it anymore. It’s like… doing homework, except at the end it’s actually worth it. I haven’t been able to deal with these problems all that well, especially the lack of motivation. I’ve been trying to practice every day, but I think it’s just that I’m a lazy person, and I probably shouldn’t try to do things that I’m uncomfortable with.
        Despite the things I’ve said that might discourage you, I think this project was worth it. I learned how to play piano. I learned how to make music, and making music is very fun. However, I think you have to be devoted in order to play piano. When I say that, I mean that you should really consider putting in a lot of time when playing piano. When I was starting to play piano, I got really into it. But, as time went on, I became bored and I procrastinated. There were days where I’d be doing nothing, and I’d think to myself, “I should really play some piano…” and then that’s it. I wouldn’t actually play piano. It’s very easy to stop playing. But the piano is an instrument with unlimited musical potential, and you shouldn’t stop playing just because you don’t feel like it. It’s a lot easier said than done; I don’t even follow my own advice, but that’s what I think of piano.