I'm not sure if you do or not, but do you remember last time I said that I'll post a video depending on how motivated I am? Well, it turns out I'm not very motivated. At all, unfortunately. I guess I am posting videos in a way, though. I did actually learn the four chords though, so I might make a video on that. I'm learning a song right now too, but to be honest learning a piano song is really boring and uninteresting, so it's taking a really long time. That's my own fault, though.

I'm making this post because I was listening to some music a while ago, and I noticed that there was some piano going on in the background. So I thought to myself, "How many other of my favorite songs have piano in them?" Well, it turns out there's a lot. The piano is a very well-known and popular instrument, and a lot of songs incorporate piano into them. However, since there's a ton of songs that do, I'll just pick some of my favorites. 

Here's the song 'The Way' by Fastball, and not Ariana Grande. I can't tell you how many times I've mentioned this song, only to get the response, "By Ariana Grande?" No. This song is about a couple that runs away from their home and their children. From then on, they've only had happy moments. It's a bit sad. If you start listening to the song, around the fifteen second mark, you can hear the piano playing. I like the song a lot since 1) It's pretty catchy and 2) I like the lyrics. 

This is 'Piano Man' by Billy Joel. I think it's pretty obvious that this would incorporate some piano into the song, since... it's in the name. This song is about a piano player in a bar, and he starts yapping about everybody who regrets their life, including him. They're all different people with different occupations, but they all share a similarity; they're a bit down, so they want to listen to some tunes. It's a bittersweet kind of song, and I think it sounds really nice. I especially like the part where Billy Joel is like, "La de da de dee daa..." 

This is 'Drunk Again' by Reel Big Fish, and not Ed Sheeran. They don't even have the same name; one's 'Drunk Again,' and the other is 'Drunk.' Okay? And yes, I know it's not actually "piano" piano, but it's still on a keyboard, so it's pretty darn close. So what's this song about? This song is about this really sad, alcoholic dude who can't help but drink. Dang, this song is sort of depressing. (P.S. don't be discouraged by the first ten seconds)

I don't want to make any empty promises, but I'm fairly certain that my next post will actually be about a video. That I made! (I think)